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Posts tagged “Piskies Cove

Spring is well and truly here

Thursday 16th may 2013

Fisherman's hut at prussia Cove

Fisherman’s hut at Prussia Cove

The hedgerows where I live look magnificent; full of bluebells, campion and other wild flowers.  I must take a photo of them!  The primroses are on the wane but the thrift (sea pinks) is now coming into its own and is looking marvelous; a week or two late but we don’t mind.

Sea pinks after sunset.

Sea pinks after sunset.

The above photo was a 6 second exposure taken 10 minutes after sunset using an ultra wide angle lens; the sun though had long disappeared behind the cliffs greatly reducing light levels.  The photo was taken just past  Prussia Cove looking across Piskies cove to Cudden Point and Tater-du in the very far distance.  Don’t you just love those names!